Robert Muresan

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Building trustless systems that will stand the test of time.
CTO @ Bequest Finance

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Robert Muresan/Hackathons

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./Terra The Conventional (2022)

└───Project       └───Something Crazy, My New Startup

./Hack The North (Oct, 2021)

├───Project |     ├───BeatBlocks: Lets users create, buy, and sell NFT beat music via blockchain and trading crypto |     └───Worked on Smart Contract, front-end blochain interaction and backend database | | ├───What I Learned |     ├───Ethers.js |     ├───Ethereum blockchain basics |     ├───Solidty smart contracts |     └───Hardhat.js and Pinata for Decentrailized file storage | | └───Learn More       ├───       ├───       └───

./HackDays - Shopify Internal Hackathon (July, 2021)

├───Project |     ├───ShopPay- Parental Control Feature: an additional feature to ShopPay that allows users to make child accounts that request payments from parents |     └─── Solo project, created react components, created server to store child/parent relationships and presented final project | | ├───What I Learned |     ├───Basic Ruby and GraphQL |     └───React | | └───Learn More       └───

./EngHack - Waterloo Engineering (June, 2021)

├───Project |     ├───WINNER: Finalist (Top 3) |     ├───PiggyBank: Encourages kids to save and invest their money, while securely buying their favourite toys straight from home |     └───Worked on the NodeJS backend, MongoDB connection and some basic front-end features. | | ├───What I Learned |     ├───Git teamwork |     ├───React |     └───User authentication | | └───Learn More       ├───       └───

./Hack The North (Feb, 2021)

├───Project |     ├───Driftr: a web-based blink detection application to determine how drowsy a person is using Tensorflow.js face mesh model with WebGL |     └───Developed REST API using Node.js, Express.js and PostgreSQL to store user data | | ├───What I Learned |     ├───Tensorflow.js with different engines |     ├───Facemesh models |     ├───SQL (PostgreSQL) |     └───NodeJS with PostgreSQL server | | └───Learn More       ├───       ├───       └───

./HackFS (Jun-Aug, 2020)

├───Project |     ├───FreeMail: Decentrailized Email Backend |     └───Obfuscates senders and receivers of mail through a peer-to-peer model | | ├───What I Learned |     ├───OrbitDB |     └───NodeJS IPFS | | └───Learn More       ├───       └───

./HackTheValley 4 (Feb, 2020)

├───Project |     ├───WINNER: Best UiPath Automation Hack |     ├───World News Map |     └───Web scrapes news articles from different sources and then puts them on a put according to the article location | | ├───What I Learned |     ├───NodeJS |     ├───MongoDB |     ├───Heroku Deployment |     ├───UIPath webscraping |     └───JSON | | └───Learn More       ├───       ├───       └───

./StarterHacks (Jan, 2020)

├───Project |     ├───Stress reflection |     └───AWS Lex chatbot with integration | | ├───What I Learned |     ├───Browser Javascript |     └───AWS Chatbot | | └───Learn More       ├───       └───

./HackTheHammerII (Dec, 2019)

├───Project |     ├───Hackathon Sleep Deprivation |     └───Background application to monitor blinks per second through openCV | | ├───What I Learned |     ├───HTML |     └───CSS | | └───Learn More       ├───       └───

Robert Muresan/Resume

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Robert Muresan

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